Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Drop it like it's hot...

The baby, that is...

Yesterday at my appointment, Doc measured me at 2 cms smaller than what I had been last week. Shrinking baby? No...probably not. She thinks it's because the baby has dropped lower into my pelvis. That would make sense, seeing as Baby hasn't been doing the acrobatics that she's become known for lately. More just little jabs in my side.
Plus I've been having quite a few Braxton Hicks contractions, which might have pushed her down a bit.
But to be on the safe side, they scheduled an ultrasound for me tomorrow, to make sure I'm not low on amniotic which case they'd want to induce me.
I really don't want to be induced, as I've heard it's much more painful than naturally beginning labor.

I've also been having mild cramping and a bit of nausea lately...good signs, I think, that things are progressing! I haven't been walking much lately (since I have to pee every 10 minutes, it feels like!), but tomorrow I plan on doing quite a few 10 minute walks all day long to see if I can get things to progress a little more. I decided that instead of getting discouraged every time I wake up not having gone into labor the night before, I'm just going to see every minute of my life right now as THE LABOR.
It's a process, right? Even if I'm not screaming mean things at my husband and actively pushing a baby out. ;)

Happy birthday to mi madre, who is 50 today! She honestly doesn't look a day past 40. I hope I get those genes...yup, I probably do have those genes. *remembering the many instances of incredulous strangers questioning the appropriateness of me doing things like...get married, and drink mixed beverages, and have a child*

Well, it's 4 am now...I've had my almond butter and jelly sandwich (no cereal! That was a low blow...), and my cup of water, which will only turn around and make me pee numerous times the short remainder of this night. Bladders. Am I right?

The crickets and I wish you a goodnight. :)

1 comment:

  1. Hopefully you'll get to take a nap sometime today :) Say hello to the crickets for me!
