Well, good morning!
The nice thing about typing rather than speaking, is that you can sound as perky as you want when no one can see your face or hear your voice.
Sleeping has always been something I've enjoyed...and yet lately it's been downright exhausting! My hips hurt SO bad...a pain only mildly helped by two pillows between my knees. Often I just get up in the middle of the night to sit on my exercise ball, as it helps the pain go away for a while.
My arms and hands also fall asleep regularly, now...so I wake up with pain in my hand joints from having kept them in awkward positions with no blood flow.
Have I mentioned being pregnant is WEIRD? I'm 38 weeks now...
Today Andrew wants to start packing things up to move, since we just have this week left. We've gotten a small start already...with things like books and bathroom supplies. But today I think we'll be packing all of our clothes except for ones we'll use this week, along with pantry items. It's weird to think that we won't be living here much longer! I actually feel kind of sad. I remember the first time we walked through this place...we looked at each other, both thinking "it's PERFECT!". And it was! This renting arrangement came about in a way that only God could've orchestrated and we've really loved it here.
And yet life changes...and now we get to start a new adventure, as home owners...
Just saying that makes me want to scour pinterest for decorating ideas. :)
So what are my plans for today?
Well...that's a good question. Honestly, I don't want to do anything except read and eat, and maybe swim. ;)
But we're out of milk, bread, coffee, and toilet paper...so grocery shopping must happen.
And we're moving soon, so at least SOME cleaning must happen.
And I really need to set aside some time to plan for next year, teaching-wise.
I stopped in my music room yesterday for the first time since school got out. It's currently being used as a storage area while the school is cleaned, so it's not the best time to decorate. Oh well.
But I did get a rush of new inspiration and excitement for the new year...and with it, a bit of an overwhelmed feeling. I have some learning to do this year in terms of juggling responsibilities!
Thank the Lord I have such a supporting family and church family to lean on! Especially my Mom...she's taking the little lumpkin 2 days a week while I teach...what a huge relief to me to know that my kiddo will be in the BEST hands possible!
Alright...as always, I should go make myself look presentable (something that has really slipped through the cracks lately in terms of priorities).
Toodles! <another thing I never actually say...
If you haven't looked already, there are some great packing tips on pinterest :)