Sunday, July 21, 2013

Home again, home again, jiggity jig jig

We've officially been HERE (at our new home) for a week now.
It was a hot, humid week - which made moving boxes and wiping down walls that much more enjoyable.
But thanks to the helping hands of many dear friends, we have settled in, at least as much as we currently can.
Our first project is Baby's room...which involves some drywall, lots of sanding, and lots of paint. It's going to be SO cute when it's done, though!
Once that is done, we can move on to new rooms and new projects - and I saw "we" loosely, since I know Andrew will be doing most of the renovating and I'll be doing most of the baby-carrying/nursing/changing/washing. :)

Now that my due date is past, I'm starting to resign my hopes for the baby to "come any minute". For two weeks now, I've wondered, "could today be the day?"...and sadly, hope deferred truly makes the heart grow sick.
In my head, I know Baby will make her appearance eventually, and that all will be well...but living under the expectation for weeks on end is tiring and frankly, depressing. Every day that she's not here is a day that I won't be able to spend with her this summer...and although I try to banish that thought from my mind, it keeps creeping back.
My love for my job and my desire to teach is dampened by the fact that I'll be away from my little one...even though it's only 2+ days a week. I just have to remind myself that it's only part time, and that she'll be in very good hands while I'm gone.

I am hibernating a bit. Why, you ask? Well, yesterday when I went for a walk, I heard a lady across the street exclaim, "Dang, she's ready to pop!"
That's why.
One can only take so many comments to the effect of "You're so huge!" or "When's that baby coming?".

And now I stop, think about all the ways that I am blessed, and feel bad for this slightly morose blog. I do have MANY things to be grateful for, and I now make it my goal to "switch" my thought processes, starting now.

I am thankful for:

My family
This new home
Good jobs
A great church family
Air conditioning (!)
A soft bed to sleep on
Food in the refrigerator
God's provision for us
Ice cream
Good books
A library near by
The color green
Arts and crafts
Good deals
Hot water for showers
Running water (can you imagine getting up at night and going out to the outhouse!?!?!)
And the list goes on...


1 comment:

  1. Soon enough :) According to my friends with kids, there may be days after she's born that you wish she were back inside you. :)
