Of course, that was in the days of old...I was 16 and had plenty of time to think up clever blog posts and witty comments in order to garner up "eprops", the old school version of "likes".
Facebook. *sigh*
Facebook, lord of social media, has shrunken our literary expressions to two line statuses. I know people who authored brilliant blogs (again, on Xanga), who now have resorted to such scintillating stati as:
staring at the wall. #sobored #lifesux
Well, of course you're bored! You aren't rising to your literary potential! You're too lazy to even spell "sucks" correctly!
Please note that I'm being a complete hypocrite right now. I go on Facebook several times a day and you can't say that my stati are a shining example of creativity.
But dog-gonnit! (< something I never actually say...) I'm going to try expanding my horizons again. I might even be funny.
No...forget that part. Too much pressure.
I'll just be myself...and try to chronicle my life the best that I can. Even if my posts lack the luster of Breezeedotcom.
Today we close on our new house. Evidently that means that we sit down and sign a gazillion papers, trusting that our real estate agent has read them, knows what they mean, and doesn't intend to screw us over. Once we do that, the house is officially ours, and the current residents have 9 days to move their bunnies out of our home. Their anatomical bunnies. Although if they have actual bunnies, they will be expected to move those as well.
I'm looking around my apartment right now, feeling nostalgic. It's way too small for a growing family, lacks storage space, counter space, and clothes-washing facilities. Yet Andrew and I spent the first 4 years of our lives together here. We fought, laughed, sang, danced, cooked, shouted, slept, and watched several complete tv series in this little place. And it's so dang cute, too...I do feel sad to leave it.
But it's time. Within this month we'll be a family of 4 (and for those of you counting on your fingers, I'm including Kitty in our family), and Baby has way too much stuff for us to stay here.
Can I just talk about baby stuff for a second?
This kid has more stuff than I do...and I've had 24 years to collect! Once you get a bumbo, a swing, a bouncer, a pack n play, a crib, a dresser, 4 boxes of clothing, a box of toys, a box of miscellaneous items (such as bottles, pacifiers, bibs, and wet wipes), a play mat, an exersaucer, a baby tub, and more (!!!), packed into an apartment such as ours, there's no longer any room to move, much less breathe.
In fact, we've moved a large portion of our shower items to my parent's basement for the time being, since there's no way it would all fit here.
I'm actually not confident it will all fit into our new home. We might have to give Baby two rooms. Or sleep in the crib with her.
She's spoiled. :)
Such a busy month...but I'm glad for it to finally be here. I feel so blessed with our new home, our new baby, my new job (more on that in a different post).
Now I'm going to go be productive and do things like take care of my personal hygiene. 0_o
I love your blog! Can't wait to hear all about your adjustment to a family of 4... ;)